Weekly Drop-in Groups

A great way to support your ongoing practice and for newcomers to dip their toe in


Drop-in groups are the perfect way to support your ongoing practice, stay inspired, deepen your understanding and also a space for newcomers to dip their toe in. The group suits people who’ve already done some mindfulness training (either with us or other organisations) - and also those who are brand new to mindfulness & compassion and would like to try it out.

There’s a theme each week and after a short introduction, you will be led in a practice for around 25 minutes. There’s an opportunity afterwards to deepen your understanding through the practise of enquiry - where the teacher explores your experience gently.

Where and When:

From the comfort home! These groups are run via Zoom, a free online platform.

The Saturday group runs weekly at 10-10.45am. Please email jess.pailthorpe@yahoo.co.uk to request the Zoom link.


For the Saturday group there is a suggested donation of £5 per session (or what works for you).

“I love Jess' Saturday morning mindfulness sessions - she leads them beautifully, and I always feel connected with the group despite the fact that we're physically remote from each other. Great way to start the weekend.”

— KB, Saturday session participant