Mindful Movement

Gentle movements, adaptable for all, to develop awareness of the body in motion


Mindful movement is about bringing a quality of attention to the body as we move. The idea is to use the moving body as an anchor for awareness - developing our practice of mindfulness and bringing more awareness to the activities of day to day life.

Bodies are made to move - even painful ones - and most people find Mindful movement is a deeply nourishing and supportive practice. The movements are not intended as exercise - although if practised regularly they will benefit you physically. They are very simple and can be adapted to suit everyone, whatever restrictions your body may have.

The breath is an important aspect and we pay attention to how we breathe whilst moving - letting the body be an expression of the natural breath. We may notice patterns of holding and tension whilst moving which we can bring a kindly awareness to - ‘breathing with’ any pain or discomfort.

Most people find mindful movement very nurturing, grounding & restful. It can be particularly helpful for those that find ‘sitting still’ a challenge - and for those who want to find ways to inhabit the body more fully.

Where and When:

These classes are in the pipeline! If you’re interested do join our email list below to keep up to date. Mindful movement is also an integral part of our 8 week courses.